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iAssist™|Sleep Therapy Management
iAssistRx™|Medication Management
Patient Enrollment Programs
Future Initiatives
iAssist™ Sleep Management
The iAssist™ Sleep Management Program provides goals, resolutions, and management for patient’s ongoing therapy. iAssist™ utilizes highly trained individuals and advanced online technology to track, update, and deliver results oriented information to partners involved in patient success.
iAssist™ includes a comprehensive Therapy Profile which allows the monitoring of pressure settings, product and interface preferences, and up to date payer information. Furthermore, the Therapy Profile also includes a current medication profile with disease and condition history, thus allowing the identification of other issues that may affect compliance or therapy benefit.
Follow-up data is available through the medical history which records and gauges weight change, sleepiness and witnessed apnea plus changes in high blood pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI). This information associated with defined algorithms developed by iAssist™ produces the reporting functionality and identifiable issues that communicate favorable or un-favorable therapy benefits for the patient.
iAssist™ also incorporates integrated tools that allow you to monitor your patient population for effectiveness, and related decision making modules.
iAssist™ DashBoard
The Dashboard, accessible to each individual company, provides the most up to date patient information, current supply orders, an active patient census and month-to-date generated revenue. By tailoring this summary of information for ease of use and understanding, the Dashboard provides a very quick a decisive business decision tool for you and your organization.
Month To Date (MTD) Referral Activity
iAssist™ provides month to date referral activity, thus allowing you to track, trend and calculate where your sleep referrals are coming from. This invaluable tool is a must for your sales department as well as acknowledgement for any special needs of certain referrals.
iAssist™ Compliance Monitor
A patient compliance monitor and reports are available to not only track the health of your patients, but also the effectiveness of the program by tracking the changes and improvement over time.